Today's Date is Friday, 07-Mar-2025 02:55:00 GMT


Assalaamu Alaikum (peace be unto you all),



Welcome to AL-M.A.U.N.. The Muslim Action Unity Network attempts to serve both the Muslim and non-Muslim communities with charitable work. We believe that philanthropy is essential to improving the overall poor conditions throughout the modern world. Family units are being destroyed throughout each nation with war and famine. It will take many years and millions of people and organizations united in a common cause to end poverty, drug abuse, and despair. We believe that all people born into this world are innately good without sin, however negative influential circumstances of ones environment can cause this good nature to manifest into the worst of man. The goal of Muslim Action Unity Network is to:


  • 1) Provide correct and undiluted information about Islam to everyone
  • 2) Create programs that support and develop inner-city and suburban youth
  • 3) Provide needed services such as luncheon programs and job skills training
  • 4) Network with the legal, medical, and other professional communities to offer free consultation services to the homeless, unemployed, and underemployed.
  • 5) Create volunteer opportunities to increase the need for philanthropy in the "forgotten cities" of the United States and poor countries throughout the world.



Allah says in the Holy Qur´an:





Background on this Surah (chapter):


This Surah (chapter) was revealed in Madina where a myriad of factions (enemies of the Islamic movement) were conspiring against the growing number of Muslim reverts. The factions wanted to stop the spread of Islam since the morality being practiced no longer supported the negative lifestyle of the early Arabs. This Surah (chapter) discusses the character of those who profess to be Muslim, but have no care or idea about the afterlife. These people neglect the orphan (homeless person) and deprive them of their civil rights. They pray without truly thinking about Allah (God), and have forgotten about the objective of prayer. They only make prayer for show and not for the remembrance of Allah (God). Their charitable actions are only for display to others with no thought of Al-Miskeen (the poor). It is important that they announce their kindness to others or show how much they have given. This is false piety, for they do not give freely for the love of Allah (God).

Muslim Action Unity Network : 1432(2011)-1443(2021)

Prophetic Lineage: Yahudism (Judaism) > Nazarenism (Christianity) > Islam

016.036 وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَسُولا أَنِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ فَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ هَدَى اللَّهُ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ حَقَّتْ عَلَيْهِ الضَّلالَةُ فَسِيرُوا فِي الأرْضِ فَانْظُرُوا كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الْمُكَذِّبِينَ
Al-Qur'an, 016.036 (An-Nahl [The Bee])
Text Copied from
DivineIslam's Qur'an Viewer software v2.9

Allah says: "For We assuredly sent amongst every People (nation) a Messenger, (with the Command), "Serve Allah (alone), and eschew Evil(Taghut: Satan, false gods, etc.)": of the People were some whom Allah guided, and some on whom error became inevitably (established). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied (the Truth)." [Al Quran Chapter an-Nahl (16): 36]

  • Prophet's in Torah
  • Prophet's in Enjeel
  • Prophet's in Qur'an
  • Seal of the Prophet's
    Note:All references to the words Jesus, Christ, Christian and Christianity are used in correct etymological context on this website as these words are of Greek origin. Jesus meaning "The Zeus" or the god will only be used in parenthesis for the sake of Christian reference. Many Christians argue that Jesus means "Joshua" which is a fabrication. Yehoshua, Yehoshu, Yeshu = Joshuah, as referenced Exodus 17:9. Thus in the English translation the name Jesus would have been used instead of "Joshua". In Acts 2:32 we find the Greek translation of "Iesoun". In Aramaic this name is Esaou and in Arabic the same name is "Easa or Isa" for Jesus son of Maryam. We can clearly see that "Yeshuah" is NOT Jesus, but Joshua. The proper name of Easa (Jesus) son of Maryam (peace be upon him) will be used. Nazarenism (Christianity), Nazarenes (Christians) and Messih/Messiah (Christ)are the proper terms which are used throughout this site.

[*Site Notice:] This document should not be construed as the sole opinion of AL-M.A.U.N. or it's associates. Our goal is to provide undiluted information about Islam (the true faith of Abraham) to our readers. The articles and lectures are made available for the purpose of Da'wah which is an obligation for all Muslims. We also note that all articles and publications on our site are the property of their respective authors (see copyright).